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Technical debt

This page describes known technical debt or shortcomings in the project.

Non-family info sites and pages using family_info Django application's code

There are subsites set up using family_info Django application's models that are not family info subsite.

A likely good idea would be to refactor the family_info Django application to be more generic and move the family info specific code to a separate Django application.

This may be especially confusing for new developers trying to find their way in the codebase.

Short-term actions to address:

  • Any FIS-named code should be reviewed and checked if it should be called something else.
  • Add comments around FIS-named things whether they are actually FIS-specific.
  • Document this somewhere else


  • Formulate plan for renaming the code.
  • Migrate existing subsites to use generic, non-FIS code as much as possible.
  • Any new subsites should use generic, non-FIS code only.

We don't want to be in situation where FIS-specific code is used for non-FIS subsites.